How to sign up for the Fall Semester!
Hello ladies, this is our process for sign up. It should be fairly straight forward and we are working to eliminate a couple of clicks, but that will happen by next semester's sign up.
At the end of this page, there is a box for suggestions. Keep in mind, sometimes we can make the changes you suggest, and sometimes our hands are tied, but we'd like to hear from you either way!
Keep this reference page open while you sign up.
**hint: A new tab will open and take you to the join us page if you click here
Navigate to the JOIN US page
Scroll down to bottom of the page
Click on Register Today!
Choose 6:30 pm because there is only one time for our rehearsal.
Click on Next.
Choose your payment plan
A Monthly Plan automatically deducts tuition monthly.
A Semester Plan pays for the entire semester in one payment.
Click Select once you decide which payment plan works for you
If you are already signed up with the website, choose Login
If you are new and have not signed up with the website, choose Sign up
If you are unsure, you can choose to click on Login and click on Login with Email, then click Forgot Password?
You should receive an email for you to choose a new password. ​
If, after 10 minutes, you receive no email, you do not have an account, and need to get back to this page and click on Sign up instead.
Fill in your credit card information
Click Buy Now
SUCCESS! You are signed up and a member
Fill out your suggestions below and continue on to the next walk-through to access your files.
We are always trying to make sure that we streamline operations more and more as we go. There are still a couple of bumps, and we'd like to hear your ideas on how to make the check-out system easier, or better.
Your suggestions have been noted! MAHALO!
An error occurred. Try again later
If you have no suggestions, scroll down to learn about how to access your files and to update your profile.
How to use the back end member area
After arriving at, click Log In in the top right hand corner.
If you are already logged in, it will say so and you can skip to 2.
From the login bar drop down menu, choose Profile
Once redirected, click Home/Announcements from the left hand menu.
This is your La Sorellanza Home Page. Announcements, changes, and more can be found here.
To your left, observe the menus. The ones pertinent to us are La Sorellanza Only
Let's finish setting up your profile!
Click on Profile Setup
Fill out your profile. Any item marked with an asterisk (*) is required, and will prevent you from moving forward unless you fill it out.
When finished, click Submit
In the left hand menu, you can access the following pages:
LS Members - All members are located here for you to connect with
Music Downloads - Downloads of your scores and music are all located here
Calendar - Our entire calendar is updated and ketp here
Kauai Tour - This page is still under construction but will be finished by the time we start in late August
Theory & Playlists - Theory home with downloads for our theory lessons, and playlists of videos that we go through in lessons.
My Tuition - Information about your tuition payments. You can change your tuition payment, cancel your membership, or get information about your account.